Content you need on

Social media is becoming increasingly important to your business, and content production is all about creating quality content that adds value to your customers.

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We produce content on

This is what we do
Blynk helps your business on social media

Social media content production is a cost-effective and strategic method to capture attention and make your business known. With ever-changing trends, the young generation is best acquainted with how to navigate social media.

A non-traditional way of producing content

As a creative agency, we are tired of boring and typical videos and posts. To stand out in the competition, we really need to harness our creativity to the fullest.

Part of GEN-Z

As part of the young generation, we understand what appeals to the public. We know why things trend, how trends occur, and how we can create content that trends. We use this insight to deliver optimal results for your content. No one knows social media better than us young people.

An A to Z solution

Most business owners don't have time to deal with social media. That's why we take care of everything from A to Z, including distribution and engagement with the target audience. With our help, you will save both time and resources.

Don't ignore social media

Don't underestimate the power of social media; it can give you increased traffic to your website, a competitive advantage, a strong community, better visibility, as well as more sales and conversions.

Content we have produced
Økning av tilstedeværelse
Introduksjonsvideo til Neon Tattoo
Introduksjonsvideo for Powertrain
Introduksjonsvideo for Teebuddy
Introduksjonsvideo for Trygg Helsesjekk
This is how the process works
Strategy and market research

Before we start content production, we conduct in-depth market research to get ideas. We are focused on content having a clear role in the company's growth and business objectives, and we establish measurable KPIs (key performance indicators) to ensure that we achieve the desired results.

Production of content

We agree in advance both the content and location of the video recording. You don't have to worry about camera or other production equipment as we provide all the necessary equipment.

Editing and preparation

A bad video can bring good results for your business with proper post production. We attach great importance to this part of the process to ensure that the video gets the best out of its potential.


Once content is ready, we focus on distribution to relevant platforms and engagement with viewers. We carefully monitor social media to gather insights and build a valuable knowledge base that can enhance future productions.

Kvinto AS
Dyor AE
Classic 9 AS
Inspekt el
The Skin Medispa AS
Art and Soul
Powertrain Europe AS
trygg helsesjekk
Neon Tattoo Studio AS
Soople EU
The Pilates Place
Kvinto AS
Dyor AE
Powertrain AS
The Pilates Place
Soople EU
Rødde Folkehøgskole
Neon Tatto studios AS
Powertrain Europe AS
Trygg helsesjekk
The Skin Medispa As
Art and soul
Inspekt EL
Classic 9 AS
Dyor AE
Bryn Diagnostikk
Inspekt El
Lotus Grillbar AS
Kvinto AS
Dyor AE
Classic 9 AS
The Skin medispa AS
The pilates place
Rødde Folkehøgskole
Svaberg arkitektur
Neon Tattoo studio AS
Powertrain Europe AS
Bryn diagnostikk
Lotus grillbar AS
Classic 9 As
Get in touch with the project managers 👋🏻
Portrettbilde Oscar
Oscar Winther
General Manager / Designer
400 51,680
Portrettbilde Vinh
Oscar Winther
Chairman of the Board / Designer
400 51,680
Dronningens gate 22
Visitor address
Blynk AS - Dronningens gate 22, Oslo
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Talk to us!

Letter or email? 👋🏻
Wondering something? Contact us by email, or call400 51,680
Would you like to visit us? ☕️
We have an office at Karl Johan, address Dronningens gate 22
Job at Blynk? ⚡️
Freelancer or very good at what you do? Get in touch, maybe we have something available